Artificial intelligence is a computer science technology that focuses on creating an intelligent machine that can mimic human behavior. Here intelligent machines can be defined as those machines which can behave like a human, think like a human, and are also capable of taking decisions. It is composed of two words, “artificial” and “intelligence,” meaning “man-made ability to think.” With artificial intelligence, we do not need to pre-program a machine to perform a task; Instead, we can build a machine with programmed algorithms, and it can do things on its own.
How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Work?
Building an AI system is a careful process of reverse-engineering human traits and abilities into a machine, and using its computational power to exceed what we are capable of. To understand how Artificial Intelligence actually works, one needs to delve deeper into the different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and understand how those domains can be applied in different sectors of the industry. Is. You can also do an artificial intelligence course which will help you gain a comprehensive understanding.
Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Tools
- TensorFlow
- Wipro HOLMES
- Symantec
- AI ethics
- Cortana
- Scikit Learn
- MxNet
- Google ML
- Theano

TensorFlow is another open-source machine learning platform that creates a web of tools, libraries, and resources that allow data scientists to further develop artificial intelligence while still being fully functional for developers to easily build and deploy ML programs. location allows. The software uses the high-level Keras API which makes it perfect for beginner builders with TensorFlow. TensorFlow provides a variety of levels of abstraction and execution methods for any size ML project you work on, making it a highly customizable interface.
Wipro Holmes
Wipro Homes is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation-enabled digital transformation platform. It is the bridge between Foundational AI Algorithm Builders and Applied AI. This automation-enabled digital transformation platform covers all your needs from manufacturing, publishing, metering, and governance to monetizing heterogeneous AI solutions. It provides pre-curated AI/ML frameworks (such as cognitive text analytics, cognitive image analysis, cognitive search, mimicron, and conversational engines) for customers to build their own intelligent solutions.
Targeted Attack Analytics (TAA) Symantec TAA is a cybersecurity-focused AI solution. It uses machine learning to identify malicious cyber attacks, also known as targeted attacks. Targeted attacks are long-term cyber security attacks that are clearly created for a certain company, making them unique and unrecognizable by normal means. Using machine learning, TAA protects companies from these dangerous attacks by reducing the time needed to find them.
AI ethics
There is no unanimously accepted definition yet, but broadly speaking, AI ethics, also known as the AI Value Platform, refers to a broad collection of ideas for responsible AI, which form a combination of three important factors:: Security, safety, human concerns and considerations in environmental AI models. AI ethics is a system of ethical principles and techniques aimed at developing the responsible use of AI. Its main components include avoiding AI bias, AI and privacy, avoiding AI mistakes, and managing AI environmental impact.
Cortana is Microsoft’s version of the virtual assistant and is held in high esteem by both developers and early users. This AI-powered personal assistant is available on a number of Android, Microsoft, Amazon, and Xbox products to prove a fraction of its popularity. Cortana provides a wide range of functions, from hands-free assistance to answering questions and providing reminders. The more you use Cortana, the more the program “learns” about you, adapting to more complex tasks over time.
In 2018, a study reported that Cortana was the most widely used virtual assistant application, but the field is becoming incredibly competitive and Cortana faces increasing competition with other assistant programs such as Databot gaining popularity. have to do.
Scikit Learn
One of the most famous machine learning libraries is scikit-learn. Many supervised and unsupervised learning calculations are based on this. Direct and calculated fallback, decision trees, bunching, and k-implies are all examples of fallacy.
- It is built on NumPy and SciPy, the two core Python libraries.
- It provides a large amount of computation power for common AI and data mining tasks such as bunching, relapsing, and ordering. Even complex tasks such as transforming data, determining features, and using ensemble approaches can be accomplished with a few lines.
- Scikit-learn is more than enough of a tool to get the job done if you are just getting started with machine learning until you start implementing increasingly sophisticated computations.
Of all the libraries and tools mentioned above, Auto ML is probably the most powerful and latest addition to the arsenal of tools accessible to the machine learning specialist. Optimization is important in machine learning tasks, as stated in the introduction. While the financial rewards are attractive, identifying the ideal hyperparameters is a difficult undertaking. This is especially true in black boxes such as neural networks, where it becomes increasingly difficult to discern what matters as the depth of the network increases. As a result, we have entered a new world of meta, in which software aids the development of software. Many machine learning developers use the AutoML package to improve their models.
In addition to the obvious time savings, it can also be extremely valuable to someone who has little knowledge of machine learning and therefore lacks the intuition or previous experience to perform hyperparameter adjustments.
It uses a forgettable background to trade computation time for memory, which can be highly effective for recursive nets on very long sequences.
- Scalability was a priority during the design process (with ease-of-use support for multi-GPU and multi-machine training).
- There are many exciting features, such as the ability to write custom layers in high-level languages.
- Unlike virtually all other major frameworks, it is not explicitly regulated by big business, which is a good thing for an open-source, community-developed framework.
- Support for TVM, which will enhance deployment compatibility and enable the use of a variety of additional device types.
Google ML
Google ML Kit is a machine learning beta SDK for mobile developers that allows them to build optimized features for Android and iOS devices. Developers can use the kit to integrate machine learning techniques into app-based APIs that operate on devices or in the cloud. Face and text recognition, barcode scanning, picture labeling, and other functionalities are among them. In scenarios where the underlying APIs don’t suit the use case, developers can create their own TensorFlow Lite models.
Theano surprisingly folded on Keras, an unusual state neural network library, which runs almost parallel to the Theano library. The fundamental advantage of Keras is that it is a lightweight Python library for deep search that can run on Theano or TensorFlow. It was created to make practical deep-learning models as quick and simple as possible for innovative work.
It runs on Python 2.7 or 3.5 and can run concurrently on GPU and CPU.