Top 50 FAQs for Fortify

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1. What is Fortify?

Ans:- Fortify is an application security platform designed to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in software applications.

2. Who develops Fortify?

Ans:- Fortify is developed and maintained by Micro Focus, a multinational software and information technology company.

3. What types of security vulnerabilities does Fortify identify?

Ans:- Fortify identifies a wide range of security vulnerabilities, including but not limited to, SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), security misconfigurations, and buffer overflows.

4. What programming languages does Fortify support?

Ans:- Fortify supports a variety of programming languages, including Java, C#, C/C++, JavaScript, Swift, Kotlin, and others.

5. How does Fortify work?

Ans:- Fortify works by analyzing the source code of an application and identifying security vulnerabilities through static code analysis.

6. What is Static Application Security Testing (SAST)?

Ans:- SAST is a testing methodology used by Fortify to analyze the source code of an application without executing it, identifying vulnerabilities in the codebase.

7. Does Fortify support dynamic analysis as well?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify supports Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) to analyze running applications and identify vulnerabilities in real-time.

8. What is the Fortify Software Security Center?

Ans:- The Software Security Center is a central platform provided by Fortify for managing and tracking application security activities, including scanning results and remediation efforts.

9. Can Fortify be integrated into the software development lifecycle (SDLC)?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify can be integrated into various stages of the SDLC, providing developers with security insights early in the development process.

10. What is the Fortify Audit Assistant?

Ans:- The Audit Assistant is a tool within Fortify that helps developers understand and remediate security issues in their code.

11. How does Fortify prioritize and categorize vulnerabilities?

Ans:- Fortify categorizes vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact, helping teams prioritize and address the most critical issues first.

12. Does Fortify support scanning of third-party components and libraries?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify can analyze third-party components and libraries for security vulnerabilities to ensure a comprehensive security assessment.

13. What is the Fortify Marketplace?

Ans:- The Fortify Marketplace is a platform where users can find and share various integrations, extensions, and plugins for Fortify products.

14. Is Fortify suitable for web application security testing?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify is suitable for web application security testing and can identify vulnerabilities commonly found in web applications.

15. Can Fortify be used for mobile application security testing?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify supports the analysis of mobile applications, helping identify and address security vulnerabilities in iOS and Android apps.

16. What is the Fortify Rulepack?

Ans:- The Fortify Rulepack is a collection of rules and checks used by Fortify’s static analysis engine to identify specific security vulnerabilities and coding best practices.

17. How does Fortify handle false positives?

Ans:- Fortify provides tools and mechanisms to help users review and manage false positives, ensuring accurate identification of security issues.

18. What is the Fortify Secure Coding Rulepack for Java?

Ans:- This Rulepack includes a set of rules specifically focused on identifying security vulnerabilities and best practices in Java code.

19. Can Fortify scan applications developed using microservices architecture?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify can analyze applications built using microservices architecture, identifying vulnerabilities in each component.

20. Does Fortify provide support for containerized applications?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify supports the security analysis of containerized applications, including Docker images, to ensure container security.

21. What is the Fortify SSC REST API, and how is it used?

Ans:- The Fortify SSC REST API allows users to programmatically interact with the Software Security Center, enabling automation and integration with other tools.

22. How does Fortify support compliance requirements?

Ans:- Fortify provides reports and features that help organizations comply with various security standards and regulations, such as PCI DSS and OWASP.

23. Can Fortify integrate with continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) systems?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify offers integrations with CI/CD systems, allowing for automated security testing as part of the development pipeline.

24. What is Fortify on Demand?

Ans:- Fortify on Demand is a cloud-based application security testing solution that provides dynamic application security testing (DAST) and static application security testing (SAST) services.

25. How does Fortify address DevSecOps practices?

Ans:- Fortify integrates security into the DevOps pipeline, providing developers with actionable security insights and enabling continuous security testing.

26. Can Fortify scan applications written in languages other than English?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify supports applications written in various languages, regardless of the language’s primary character set.

27. What is the Fortify Software Security Content Discovery tool?

Ans:- The Software Security Content Discovery tool helps identify and manage open-source components and libraries used in applications, including their associated security vulnerabilities.

28. How often should I run security scans with Fortify?

Ans:- The frequency of security scans depends on the development cycle, but it’s recommended to integrate security testing into the CI/CD pipeline for continuous feedback.

29. Can Fortify detect security vulnerabilities in APIs?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify can analyze APIs and identify security vulnerabilities in the code associated with API endpoints.

30. What is the Fortify FortifyScan Docker image?

Ans:- The FortifyScan Docker image allows users to perform security scans within a Docker container, making it easier to integrate Fortify into various environments.

31. How does Fortify handle data privacy and compliance?

Ans:- Fortify is designed to handle data privacy and compliance responsibly. Users should review Micro Focus’s data privacy policies for detailed information.

32. What is the Fortify WebInspect tool used for?

Ans:- Fortify WebInspect is a dynamic application security testing (DAST) tool designed to identify security vulnerabilities in web applications.

33. Does Fortify provide any training resources for users?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify offers training resources, including documentation, webinars, and tutorials, to help users understand and use the platform effectively.

34. What is the Fortify Software Security Research (SSR) blog?

Ans:- The SSR blog is a resource provided by Fortify that covers security research, insights, and best practices for application security.

35. Can Fortify integrate with issue tracking and project management tools?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify integrates with various issue tracking and project management tools, allowing for streamlined collaboration and remediation efforts.

36. What is Fortify’s approach to remediating security vulnerabilities?

Ans:- Fortify provides guidance and recommendations for remediating security vulnerabilities, helping development teams address issues efficiently.

37. Does Fortify support multi-factor authentication (MFA)?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify supports multi-factor authentication to enhance the security of user accounts and access.

38. How does Fortify handle confidential information during scans?

Ans:- Fortify is designed to handle sensitive information securely during scans, and users should follow best practices for securing scan data.

39. Can Fortify identify vulnerabilities in third-party APIs?

Ans:- Fortify can analyze the source code associated with third-party APIs and identify security vulnerabilities within the codebase.

40. What is the Fortify Secure Coding Rulepack for JavaScript?

Ans:- This Rulepack includes rules specific to JavaScript to identify security vulnerabilities and coding best practices.

41. How does Fortify support the OWASP Top Ten?

Ans:- Fortify is aligned with the OWASP Top Ten, helping organizations address and mitigate common security risks identified by OWASP.

42. Can Fortify scan applications in a production environment?

Ans:- While it’s generally recommended to perform security testing in pre-production environments, Fortify can be used to scan applications in production with caution.

43. What is the Fortify Application Defender?

Ans:- Fortify Application Defender is a runtime application self-protection (RASP) solution designed to detect and respond to attacks against applications.

44. Can Fortify identify vulnerabilities in mobile app APIs?

Ans:- Yes, Fortify can analyze the source code associated with mobile app APIs and identify security vulnerabilities within the codebase.

45. What is Fortify Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP)?

Ans:- RASP is a security technology provided by Fortify that protects applications in real-time by detecting and preventing attacks during runtime.

46. How does Fortify support integration with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems?

Ans:- Fortify can integrate with SIEM systems, allowing security teams to correlate and analyze security events alongside other security data.

47. What is the Fortify ScanCentral service?

Ans:- ScanCentral is a cloud-based service provided by Fortify for scalable and efficient application security scanning.

48. Does Fortify support the detection of zero-day vulnerabilities?

Ans:- While Fortify is effective in identifying known vulnerabilities, it may not specifically target zero-day vulnerabilities. Regular updates and monitoring are essential for addressing emerging threats.

49. Can Fortify analyze applications developed using low-code or no-code platforms?

Ans:- Fortify may have limited support for analyzing applications developed using low-code or no-code platforms. Users should refer to the documentation for specific details.

50. How to get support for Fortify products?

Ans:- Users can access support resources, including documentation, forums, and customer support, through the Micro Focus website to address any issues or queries related to Fortify products.

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