Top 50 FAQs for Harbor

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1. What is Harbor?

Harbor is an open-source container registry that allows users to store, manage, and distribute Docker images securely.

2. How do I install Harbor?

Harbor can be installed using its official installation scripts or Helm charts, which simplify the deployment process.

3. What are the key features of Harbor?

Harbor provides features such as image signing, vulnerability scanning, role-based access control (RBAC), and replication for container image distribution.

4. How does Harbor enhance Docker image security?

Harbor enhances security through features like image signing, vulnerability scanning, and the ability to enforce policies on image content.

5. Can Harbor be integrated with existing CI/CD pipelines?

Yes, Harbor can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines to store and manage container images used in the development and deployment processes.

6. What is image signing in Harbor?

Image signing in Harbor allows users to sign container images cryptographically, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the images.

7. How does Harbor support role-based access control (RBAC)?

Harbor supports RBAC, allowing administrators to define and manage user roles with different levels of access to repositories and projects.

8. What is Harbor’s vulnerability scanning feature?

Harbor includes a vulnerability scanning feature that scans container images for known security vulnerabilities, providing insights into potential risks.

9. Can Harbor be used with Kubernetes?

Yes, Harbor can be integrated with Kubernetes to serve as the container image registry for Kubernetes clusters.

10. How can I set up replication in Harbor?

Replication in Harbor allows images to be replicated between different Harbor instances. Set up replication by configuring endpoints and policies.

11. What authentication methods does Harbor support?

Harbor supports multiple authentication methods, including LDAP, Active Directory, and native Harbor authentication.

12. How does Harbor help with compliance and policy enforcement?

Harbor allows administrators to define and enforce policies on image content, ensuring compliance with organizational standards and security requirements.

13. What storage backends does Harbor support?

Harbor supports various storage backends, including local filesystem, Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure Blob Storage, and more.

14. Can I use Harbor for private image registries?

Yes, Harbor is designed to support private image registries, enabling organizations to maintain control over their container images.

15. How do I configure Harbor for high availability (HA)?

To configure Harbor for HA, deploy multiple Harbor instances and set up a load balancer to distribute traffic among them.

16. What is Helm Chart support in Harbor?

Harbor provides Helm Chart support, allowing users to store and distribute Helm charts through the Harbor registry.

17. How can I monitor Harbor’s performance?

Harbor provides monitoring endpoints, and you can use tools like Prometheus and Grafana to monitor and visualize performance metrics.

18. Can Harbor be used with Docker CLI for image operations?

Yes, Harbor is compatible with the Docker CLI, enabling users to push, pull, and manage container images using standard Docker commands.

19. How does Harbor handle image replication across different regions?

Harbor’s replication feature allows users to replicate images across different regions, ensuring availability and redundancy.

20. How does Harbor handle container image deletion policies?

Harbor allows administrators to define deletion policies based on factors such as image age or the number of versions, helping manage storage efficiently.

21. What is Harbor’s garbage collection process?

Harbor’s garbage collection process helps remove unused or expired artifacts, freeing up storage space. Administrators can configure and schedule garbage collection.

22. How can I customize Harbor’s user interface (UI)?

Harbor’s UI can be customized by adding logos, changing themes, and modifying the user interface settings in the administration panel.

23. What is the Harbor Content Trust feature?

Harbor Content Trust is a security feature that ensures the integrity and authenticity of container images by using digital signatures.

24. How does Harbor handle Docker image promotion across different environments?

Harbor simplifies Docker image promotion by providing a consistent registry across environments, making it easy to manage and promote images from development to production.

25. Can Harbor be used with container orchestration platforms other than Kubernetes?

Yes, Harbor can be used with container orchestration platforms like Docker Swarm and OpenShift, providing a centralized registry for container images.

26. How can I integrate Harbor with Jenkins for CI/CD?

Harbor can be integrated with Jenkins by using Jenkins plugins or by incorporating Harbor CLI commands into Jenkins pipelines for image storage and retrieval.

27. What is the process for upgrading Harbor to a new version?

Upgrading Harbor involves backing up data, pulling the latest release, and following the upgrade instructions provided in the official Harbor documentation.

28. How does Harbor handle image replication across different Harbor versions?

Image replication across different Harbor versions may require careful consideration of compatibility. Consult the Harbor documentation for specific version compatibility details.

29. Can Harbor be used with other container runtimes besides Docker?

While Harbor is primarily designed for Docker container images, it can be adapted to work with other container runtimes that support the OCI image format.

30. How does Harbor handle security vulnerabilities in container images?

Harbor’s vulnerability scanning feature identifies security vulnerabilities in container images, allowing administrators to take appropriate actions such as blocking or removing vulnerable images.

31. What is Harbor’s project and repository structure?

Harbor organizes container images into projects, and each project contains one or more repositories where images are stored.

32. How can I configure Harbor for HTTPS?

Configuring Harbor for HTTPS involves obtaining SSL/TLS certificates and updating the Harbor configuration to enable secure communication.

33. What are Harbor webhooks, and how can they be used?

Harbor webhooks allow users to trigger external services or scripts in response to events such as image pushes or deletions. They can be configured in the Harbor UI.

34. Can Harbor be used with private container registries like Docker Hub?

Yes, Harbor can be used in conjunction with private container registries like Docker Hub, providing additional security and control over internal images.

35. What is the significance of Harbor’s vulnerability database?

Harbor’s vulnerability database is regularly updated to provide information about known security vulnerabilities, enabling administrators to make informed decisions about image security.

36. How does Harbor handle image replication failures?

Harbor provides logs and notifications to help diagnose and address image replication failures. Administrators can review logs to identify and resolve issues.

37. What are Harbor robot accounts, and how are they used?

Harbor robot accounts are special accounts used for automated processes. They can be used to authenticate and interact with the Harbor registry programmatically.

38. How does Harbor support multi-tenancy?

Harbor supports multi-tenancy by organizing container images into projects and repositories, allowing different teams or users to have their isolated spaces within Harbor.

39. Can Harbor be used for container image promotion across different Harbor instances?

Yes, Harbor’s replication feature allows for image promotion across different Harbor instances, making it suitable for scenarios involving multiple environments.

40. What is Harbor’s compatibility with Docker Compose?

Harbor is compatible with Docker Compose, and users can configure Docker Compose files to define services that interact with the Harbor registry.

41. How does Harbor handle image storage quotas?

Harbor allows administrators to set image storage quotas for projects, ensuring that users or teams do not exceed allocated storage limits.

42. How can Harbor be configured for high availability with a database backend?

Configuring Harbor for high availability involves setting up a highly available database backend, configuring multiple Harbor instances, and using a load balancer.

43. What authentication options does Harbor support for the Docker CLI?

Harbor supports Docker CLI authentication using the Docker login command, allowing users to authenticate and interact with the Harbor registry.

44. How does Harbor handle image vulnerability reports?

Harbor provides detailed reports on image vulnerabilities, including severity levels and affected components. Administrators can use this information to make informed decisions about image security.

45. Can Harbor be used with containerd or other container runtimes?

Harbor primarily supports Docker container images. While it may work with containerd, thorough testing and validation are recommended.

46. What is Harbor’s support for Helm charts versioning?

Harbor supports Helm charts versioning, allowing users to store and manage different versions of Helm charts within the registry.

47. How does Harbor support image replication between disconnected environments?

Harbor supports offline image replication by exporting and importing images and metadata between disconnected environments.

48. Can Harbor be used with cloud-based container registries?

While Harbor is a standalone container registry, it can be used alongside cloud-based container registries for hybrid or multi-cloud scenarios.

49. How can Harbor be configured for high availability with a Redis cache?

Configuring Harbor for high availability with a Redis cache involves setting up a highly available Redis cache backend, configuring multiple Harbor instances, and using a load balancer.

50. What is the process for backing up and restoring Harbor data?

Harbor data can be backed up by exporting the database and repository storage. The data can be restored by importing the database and repository storage backups.

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