Top 50 FAQs for New Relic

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1. What is New Relic?

Ans:- New Relic is a software analytics and application performance monitoring (APM) platform that helps organizations monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize the performance of their software applications.

2. What types of applications does New Relic support?

Ans:- New Relic supports a wide range of applications, including web applications, mobile applications, and microservices.

3. How does New Relic monitor application performance?

Ans:- New Relic monitors application performance by collecting and analyzing data on various metrics, including response times, error rates, throughput, and resource utilization.

4. What is APM (Application Performance Monitoring)?

Ans:- APM, or Application Performance Monitoring, is a set of practices and tools for monitoring and managing the performance and availability of software applications.

5. Does New Relic support cloud environments?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic supports monitoring applications deployed in cloud environments, including popular cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

6. What programming languages does New Relic support?

Ans:- New Relic supports multiple programming languages, including Java, .NET, Python, Ruby, Node.js, and PHP.

7. What is distributed tracing, and does New Relic provide it?

Ans:- Distributed tracing is a technique that helps trace and monitor requests as they travel across various services in a distributed system. Yes, New Relic provides distributed tracing capabilities.

8. How does New Relic help in troubleshooting application issues?

Ans:- New Relic provides detailed insights into application performance, error rates, and dependencies, allowing teams to quickly identify and troubleshoot issues.

9. What is the New Relic APM agent?

Ans:- The New Relic APM agent is a lightweight software component that is installed within an application’s runtime environment to collect performance data.

10. Can New Relic monitor server infrastructure?

Ans:- Yes, in addition to application performance monitoring, New Relic provides server monitoring capabilities to monitor server infrastructure metrics.

11. What is New Relic Insights?

Ans:- New Relic Insights is a real-time analytics platform that allows users to query, visualize, and understand their data collected by New Relic.

12. How does New Relic handle alerting and notifications?

Ans:- New Relic allows users to set up alerts based on various conditions, and notifications can be sent via email, SMS, or integrations with communication tools like Slack.

13. Does New Relic support containerized environments?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic supports monitoring applications deployed in containerized environments, such as Docker and Kubernetes.

14. What is New Relic Synthetics?

Ans:- New Relic Synthetics is a monitoring solution that simulates user interactions with applications to proactively detect and alert on issues affecting end-users.

15. How does New Relic handle mobile application monitoring?

Ans:- New Relic offers mobile application monitoring to track the performance and user experience of mobile apps on iOS and Android devices.

16. What is New Relic Browser?

Ans:- New Relic Browser provides real-user monitoring for web applications, capturing performance data directly from users’ browsers.

17. Does New Relic support integrations with other tools?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic provides integrations with various third-party tools, including version control systems, collaboration platforms, and more.

18. What is New Relic Infrastructure?

Ans:- New Relic Infrastructure is a product that provides insights into the health and performance of server infrastructure, including physical servers, virtual machines, and cloud instances.

19. How does New Relic handle security and data privacy?

Ans:- New Relic takes security seriously and implements measures to protect customer data. It follows industry best practices and compliance standards.

20. Can New Relic monitor applications in real-time?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic provides real-time monitoring capabilities, allowing teams to observe and respond to changes in application performance as they occur.

21. What is the New Relic One platform?

Ans:- New Relic One is a unified and programmable platform that provides a foundation for all New Relic products, enabling customization and extensibility.

22. How does New Relic support log management?

Ans:- New Relic provides log management features, allowing users to aggregate, search, and analyze log data alongside other performance data.

23. What is New Relic AI and how does it assist in monitoring?

Ans:- New Relic AI leverages artificial intelligence to help teams detect and understand anomalies in application performance, reducing the time to resolution.

24. Can New Relic monitor serverless architectures?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic offers support for monitoring applications deployed in serverless architectures, providing insights into serverless function performance.

25. How does New Relic support continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)?

Ans:- New Relic integrates with CI/CD pipelines, allowing organizations to incorporate performance monitoring into their automated deployment processes.

26. What is New Relic’s approach to observability?

Ans:- Observability in New Relic involves providing a comprehensive view of an application’s behavior, making it easier to understand and troubleshoot complex systems.

27. Does New Relic provide historical performance data?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic retains historical performance data, allowing users to analyze trends and track changes in application behavior over time.

28. Can New Relic monitor third-party APIs and services?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic can monitor the performance of third-party APIs and services that an application relies on, providing end-to-end visibility.

29. What is New Relic OneQuery and how does it work?

Ans:- New Relic OneQuery is a querying language that allows users to analyze and visualize data across different New Relic products in a unified way.

30. How does New Relic handle multi-tenancy for different applications?

Ans:- New Relic supports multi-tenancy, allowing organizations to monitor and manage multiple applications within a single New Relic account.

31. What is New Relic Infrastructure Integrations?

Ans:- New Relic Infrastructure Integrations provide pre-built integrations with various technologies and services to enhance monitoring capabilities.

32. How does New Relic assist in optimizing application performance?

Ans:- New Relic provides insights into performance bottlenecks, dependencies, and resource utilization, helping teams optimize their applications for better efficiency.

33. What is the New Relic One Catalog?

Ans:- The New Relic One Catalog is a collection of curated applications and dashboards available on the New Relic One platform, offering additional functionalities.

34. Can New Relic monitor custom metrics and attributes?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic allows users to instrument their applications to capture custom metrics and attributes for a more tailored monitoring experience.

35. What is New Relic Infrastructure on-host integrations?

Ans:- On-host integrations in New Relic Infrastructure provide detailed insights into specific components of server infrastructure, such as databases and web servers.

36. How does New Relic help in optimizing database performance?

Ans:- New Relic provides database performance monitoring, offering insights into query performance, database wait times, and other critical metrics.

37. What is New Relic Logs?

Ans:- New Relic Logs is a feature that allows users to collect, search, and analyze log data from different sources alongside other performance data.

38. How does New Relic address performance monitoring for microservices architectures?

Ans:- New Relic supports monitoring for microservices architectures by providing visibility into each service, dependencies, and communication patterns.

39. What is New Relic Full-Stack Observability?

Ans:- Full-Stack Observability in New Relic involves monitoring and understanding the performance of all components, from the infrastructure to the application layer.

40. How does New Relic handle anomaly detection in application performance?

Ans:- New Relic uses anomaly detection algorithms to identify deviations from normal application behavior, helping teams proactively address potential issues.

41. Can New Relic monitor serverless functions in AWS Lambda?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic can monitor serverless functions in AWS Lambda, providing insights into the performance of serverless applications.

42. How does New Relic assist in capacity planning?

Ans:- New Relic helps in capacity planning by providing data on resource utilization, trends, and potential bottlenecks, aiding in the allocation of resources.

43. Does New Relic provide insights into user experience and satisfaction?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic offers features for monitoring and improving user experience, including real-user monitoring and synthetic monitoring.

44. What is New Relic Query Language (NRQL)?

Ans:- NRQL is the query language used in New Relic Insights and New Relic OneQuery, allowing users to query and analyze data using a SQL-like syntax.

45. How does New Relic handle security vulnerabilities in applications?

Ans:- New Relic can help identify security vulnerabilities by providing insights into application behavior, error rates, and other relevant metrics.

46. What is the New Relic Developer Toolkit?

Ans:- The New Relic Developer Toolkit provides resources and tools for developers to build, customize, and extend their monitoring and observability capabilities.

47. Can New Relic monitor custom-built applications and frameworks?

Ans:- Yes, New Relic can monitor custom-built applications and frameworks by instrumenting them with the New Relic APM agent.

48. How does New Relic support compliance requirements?

Ans:- New Relic supports compliance efforts by providing features and controls to help organizations meet regulatory requirements and standards.

49. What is New Relic AI-assisted root cause analysis?

Ans:- New Relic AI-assisted root cause analysis leverages machine learning to help teams identify the root causes of performance issues and incidents.

50. How does New Relic support DevOps practices?

Ans:- New Relic supports DevOps practices by integrating with CI/CD pipelines, providing continuous monitoring, and offering collaboration features for cross-functional teams.

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