Top 50 FAQs for Velero

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What is Velero?

Velero is an open-source backup and disaster recovery tool for Kubernetes, allowing users to easily back up, restore, and migrate their cluster resources and persistent volumes.

Why use Velero for Kubernetes backups?

Velero simplifies Kubernetes backup and restore operations, providing a reliable solution for protecting critical data and resources.

How does Velero handle application consistency during backups?

Velero ensures application consistency by capturing a snapshot of both the application data and the Kubernetes resources associated with it.

What types of resources can Velero back up in Kubernetes?

Velero can back up a wide range of Kubernetes resources, including deployments, services, persistent volumes, and custom resources.

Can Velero perform scheduled backups in Kubernetes?

Yes, Velero supports scheduled backups, allowing users to automate the backup process and define backup schedules based on their needs.

What storage backends does Velero support?

Velero supports various storage backends, including object storage systems like AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage, Google Cloud Storage, and others.

How do I install Velero on a Kubernetes cluster?

Velero can be installed on a Kubernetes cluster using the provided Helm charts, YAML manifests, or operators, depending on the user’s preference.

Does Velero support incremental backups?

Yes, Velero supports incremental backups, allowing users to back up only the changes made since the last backup to reduce storage and improve efficiency.

Can Velero back up and restore cluster-wide resources?

Velero can back up and restore cluster-wide resources, ensuring a comprehensive backup and recovery solution for the entire Kubernetes cluster.

How does Velero handle restores in Kubernetes?

Velero simplifies restores by recreating the entire application, including persistent volumes and associated resources, based on the backup snapshot.

What is the purpose of Velero plugins?

Velero plugins extend its functionality by allowing users to integrate with additional storage providers, cloud platforms, or custom backup and restore processes.

Can Velero migrate resources between Kubernetes clusters?

Yes, Velero supports resource migration between Kubernetes clusters, enabling seamless movement of applications and data.

How can I customize Velero backup and restore behaviors?

Velero provides options to customize backup and restore behaviors through configuration files, allowing users to define specific settings based on their requirements.

What authentication mechanisms does Velero support for cloud storage backends?

Velero supports various authentication mechanisms for cloud storage, including access and secret keys, IAM roles, and service account tokens.

Can Velero encrypt backups for security purposes?

Yes, Velero supports encryption for backups, providing an additional layer of security for sensitive data stored in the backup files.

What is the Velero Restic integration?

Velero can integrate with Restic, an open-source backup program, to enhance backup performance and support features like incremental backups.

How does Velero handle cluster-wide custom resources during backups?

Velero captures and backs up cluster-wide custom resources, ensuring the comprehensive protection of all resources defined in the Kubernetes cluster.

Can Velero back up and restore StatefulSets in Kubernetes?

Yes, Velero can back up and restore StatefulSets, preserving the order and identity of persistent volumes associated with StatefulSet pods.

What is the recommended approach for troubleshooting Velero issues?

Troubleshooting Velero issues involves checking logs, reviewing documentation, and seeking help from the Velero community on GitHub or forums.

How does Velero handle backup storage location changes?

Velero allows users to configure and change the backup storage location, facilitating migration or adaptation to different storage backends.

Can Velero back up Kubernetes namespaces selectively?

Yes, Velero supports selective backups by allowing users to specify the namespaces they want to include or exclude during backup operations.

What is the role of the Velero Snapshot API?

The Velero Snapshot API facilitates integration with external volume snapshot providers, allowing users to leverage underlying storage snapshots for backups.

How does Velero handle backup scheduling in different time zones?

Velero uses UTC time for scheduled backups, providing consistency across different time zones.

Can Velero back up and restore ConfigMaps and Secrets?

Yes, Velero can back up and restore ConfigMaps and Secrets, preserving application configurations and sensitive data.

How can I monitor the status and progress of Velero backups?

Velero provides commands and interfaces to monitor the status and progress of ongoing backups, allowing users to track backup operations in real-time.

Does Velero support backup hooks for custom pre and post-backup actions?

Yes, Velero supports backup hooks, allowing users to execute custom scripts or actions before and after backup operations.

What is the purpose of the Velero Volume Snapshotter?

The Volume Snapshotter in Velero provides an interface to interact with external volume snapshot providers, supporting integration with various storage backends.

Can Velero exclude specific resources from backups?

Yes, Velero provides options to exclude specific resources or namespaces from backups, allowing users to fine-tune backup configurations.

How does Velero handle backup retention policies?

Velero allows users to define backup retention policies, specifying the number of retained backups and their frequency.

What authentication mechanisms does Velero support for object storage backends?

Velero supports various authentication mechanisms for object storage, including access and secret keys, IAM roles, and service account tokens.

Can Velero back up and restore Helm charts in Kubernetes?

Yes, Velero can back up and restore Helm charts along with other Kubernetes resources, providing a holistic backup solution.

What is the role of Velero’s custom resource definitions (CRDs)?

Velero uses custom resource definitions (CRDs) to define and manage backup-related objects and configurations within the Kubernetes cluster.

How does Velero handle backup of applications with multiple components?

Velero ensures the backup of applications with multiple components by capturing the entire application state, including associated resources and volumes.

Can Velero be integrated with CI/CD pipelines for automated testing?

Yes, Velero can be integrated with CI/CD pipelines to automate backup and restore processes, supporting testing and deployment workflows.

What is the recommended strategy for Velero disaster recovery?

Disaster recovery in Velero involves restoring backups to a secondary cluster or environment, ensuring business continuity in case of primary cluster failures.

How does Velero handle backup and restore of Kubernetes Secrets?

Velero handles the backup and restore of Kubernetes Secrets, ensuring the secure capture and recreation of sensitive data.

Can Velero back up and restore custom resource definitions (CRDs)?

Yes, Velero can back up and restore custom resource definitions (CRDs), preserving the custom objects and configurations within the cluster.

What is the Velero snapshot location and how is it managed?

Velero manages snapshot locations by storing metadata in Kubernetes annotations, specifying where to find and retrieve volume snapshots during restores.

How does Velero handle backup of Helm releases with multiple releases in a namespace?

Velero supports the backup and restore of Helm releases with multiple releases in a namespace, capturing the entire state of Helm-managed applications.

What are Velero plugins and how can I create one?

Velero plugins extend its functionality, and users can create custom plugins to integrate with additional storage providers, backup sources, or custom actions.

Can Velero back up and restore Prometheus and Grafana configurations?

Yes, Velero can back up and restore Prometheus and Grafana configurations, preserving monitoring and visualization settings.

How does Velero handle backup and restore of PVCs (PersistentVolumeClaims)?

Velero captures the state of PVCs during backup, ensuring the restoration of persistent data associated with applications.

Can Velero be used with managed Kubernetes services?

Yes, Velero can be used with managed Kubernetes services, providing backup and recovery capabilities for applications deployed on cloud-managed clusters.

What is the Velero Backup Storage Location and how is it configured?

The Velero Backup Storage Location specifies where to store backup data, and it is configured using storage backend-specific settings, such as bucket names and credentials.

How does Velero handle backup and restore of applications using Helm charts with custom values?

Velero supports backup and restore of applications using Helm charts with custom values, ensuring the accurate recreation of Helm-managed resources.

Can Velero back up and restore resources in a specific namespace?

Yes, Velero can back up and restore resources in a specific namespace, allowing users to focus on selective backup and recovery operations.

How does Velero handle backup of stateful applications with complex dependencies?

Velero captures the entire state of stateful applications, including complex dependencies, ensuring the accurate restoration of interconnected resources.

What is the process of upgrading Velero in a Kubernetes cluster?

Velero can be upgraded in a Kubernetes cluster by following the upgrade instructions provided in the official documentation, ensuring a smooth transition.

Can Velero back up and restore applications using Helm charts with Tillerless Helm?

Yes, Velero can back up and restore applications using Helm charts with Tillerless Helm, supporting Helm 3 and the removal of the Tiller component.

How can I contribute to the Velero community?

Contributions to the Velero community can be made through GitHub by submitting bug reports, feature requests, or contributing code.

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